South Jersey Law Center Operations

We know that you have received no shortage of communication related to the coronavirus, but wanted to send you a quick update:  

• South Jersey Law Center is open for business during the crisis, but we will all be working from home until further notice as recommended by the CDC and local government; 
• We are available to discuss how we can best assist you and your loved ones during the crisis. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns; 
• Phone, Email, and Virtual Meetings via Zoom will allow us to conduct meetings as usual;
• The use of mail delivery services will be limited during this time. Luckily, most of what we do can be transmitted electronically via PDF or other programs. If you have a need to mail us something via USPS, FedEx, etc. please let us know so we can help you.   

We will be providing periodic updates as they unfold. In the meantime, we wish you and your families safety and good health. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Alan Minato, Esq.